Tasks that fall under our website maintenance solutions
Here are a few of the tasks that we can help you with:
Backup your site
Check Google indexing
Check page size and load time
Clean up malware
Clean up spam
Configure a plugin
Create a child theme
Create backups
Fix your white screen of death
Fix issues after a WordPress core update
Help with templates
Improve your site security
Improve your site speed
Install a caching plugin
Install a comment system
Install a plugin
Install a favicon
Make changes to the header, sidebar, and other sections of the site
Optimise images
Prevent spam
Recommend a plugin
Recover a hacked site
Setup redirects
Solve alignment issues
Tweak your CSS
Update a plugin
Update your theme
Upgrade WordPress core | Here are some of the tasks that are outside of our website maintenance solutions:
Add custom functionality to a plugin
Add individual products for WooCommerce
Boost page ranks
Build a new site
Building site backlinks
Configure DNS
Configure SSL
Configure a new theme
Create a Google Plus business listing
Create a plugin
Create images
Create page templates in LeadPages
Fix WooCommerce extension bugs and conflicts
Increasing site traffic
Make your site mobile responsive
Multisite support
Paid marketing
Payment gateway configuration
Phone support
Recommend a theme
Remove theme customisations
Research previous theme customisations
Resolve WooCommerce conflict with theme
Set up email accounts
Set up a new theme
Set up a theme for specific pages
Site migration between hosts
Sites containing explicit contents
Sites hosted by WordPress.com or using Rainmaker Platform
Staging sites require a separate subscription (unless via WPEngine)
Transfer a non-WP site to WordPress
Update a highly customised theme
Update customised WooCommerce
VA tasks (creating, updating and posting content) |
If you don’t see your tasks listed here, chat live with us below to ask if we can help you with your problem.